Why I Only Use Elmer’s Wood Glue MAX

Over the years I’ve tried all sorts of wood glues for my DIY furniture projects, but now Elmer’s Wood Glue Max is the only one I use for my furniture pieces!

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Why I Only Use Elmer’s Wood Glue MAX

All glues are not created equal and Elmer’s Wood Glue Max stands out in the crowd of wood adhesives. Elmer’s Wood Glue Max is now the only glue I use for my DIY furniture because it’s strong, it sands well and it’s stainable.


Why do we use wood glue for our DIY furniture projects? Because we want a strong joint, right? If I’m going to put the energy into building something I want it to last. I want it to stand the test of time and to become a family heirloom. Elmer’s Wood Glue Max creates a strong bond. It’s so strong that the wood will break before the glue joint will. Now that’s strong!

Easy to Sand

One of the major differences that sets Elmer’s Wood Glue Max apart from other wood glues is that it contains actual wood fibers. Those wood fibers contribute to the glue’s excellent sanding properties.


I first noticed Elmer’s Wood Glue Max when I was searching for wood glues on Amazon. I was intrigued because the bottle said it was “stainable”. We’ve all had a finish ruined by glue squeeze out. The glue squeezed out, we stained the piece and the glue prevented the stain from soaking into the wood. What we’re left with is what looks like a big bleach stain on our project. Regular glue just isn’t stainable. So while I was intrigued, I was also skeptical that Elmer’s Glue Max was actually stainable. I decided to put it to the test.

Recently I shared the how to make book-matched panels tutorial and video. I used Elmer’s Wood Glue Max to glue up the panels. I applied the glue and clamped the panels.

When the glue was dry, I scraped the excess glue that squeezed out and sanded the panels smooth. It was nail biting time guys… I could see a thin glue line between to two panels.

There was also a glue line on the book-matched drawer front I made. Would the Elmer’s Wood Glue Max accept the stain and conceal the line, or would this piece be ruined?

I put on a pair of rubber gloves and stained the piece with my favorite stain, Rust-Oleum Ultimate Wood Stain. For this project I choose Dark Walnut.

All I can say is, the results are AH-MAZ-ING! You can’t see the line at all – the panel looks like one solid piece of woodl! BEAUTIFUL!

How gorgeous did this piece turnout?! I had nothing to worry about at all!

I did find a few tiny spots where the glue stained slightly the lighter than the surrounding wood, but it’s hardly noticeable.

You’ll still want to avoid leaving behind big globs of glue. Just be sure to sand everything smooth and you’ll be good to go. I’m totally convinced, Elmer’s Wood Glue Max is now my go-to wood glue and the only glue I’ll use on my DIY furniture! It’s strong, sands well and the best part… it’s STAINABLE!!!

This is not a sponsored post. All ideas and opinions are my own.




  1. Finally some one who showed me a glue that would accept stain, been asking and they all said ”there isn’t such glue. Thank you for this long time searching answer, will try it .


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