IKEA Behandla
Did you know IKEA sells their own finish? Neither did I until I stumbled upon it. But I knew I had to try it in hopes it would look like their brown-black stain.
Is it paint? Is it stain? Who knows, but it doesn’t look anything like IKEA’s signature brown-black color.
How would I describe it? It’s like a cross between paint and stain. It goes on easy, the cleanup is, well, don’t use a good brush and the final product is… meh.
There’s not much to applying it. Open the can, brush it on, let it dry and reapply if you want it darker. It doesn’t look bad on these frames (click here for the FREE plans for No Miter Cut Picture Frames!), but I don’t think I would recommend it for a piece of furniture.
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You don’t think this would do well on a cabinet? Like kitchen cabinets? The color is nice.
I would recommend trying in on a piece of scrap before before trying it on a finished piece. It would also need a top coat to protect it, especially if you were to use it on cabinets.
Sounds good…I was wondering if it would be worth making the trip…closest IKEA is a state away! Hahahaha 🙂